HOW TO DELIVER BILATERAL INTEGRATION THERAPY FOR YOUR CHILD - a 12 session online programme that includes theory and a practical application of a step-by-step remotely supervised parent-led programme. A very needed complementary therapy for your child's home programme. Bilateral integration is the coordination and cooperation of both sides of the body in action (front and back, right and left, top and bottom), according to the BI method devised by Sheila Dobie.
It's a cooperation and coordination in time when a certain movement is performed by one side of the body independently of movements by the other side. Bilateral integration an ability to coordinate both parts of the body during sequential movements. The diagnostic picture of bilateral integration disorders overlaps with the motor disorders. The exercise program is designed in a sequential way with consecutive exercises that should be followed in a specific order, based on each child's ability level and a rate of progress. This specifically devised integrated step-by-step exercise program is a promising method of intervention to secure posture control and integration of both sides of the body. Bilateral integration exercises are aimed at closing a gap in the developmental stages. During the BI programme, a child not only gets to know his/her body and position in space, but he/she also begins to combine many activities at the same time. It's possible to combine BI therapy with other therapies, such as naturalistic social communication therapy, early intervention, relationship developmental intervention, multisensory therapy or reflex integration. Bilateral integration is an important part of all integrated therapy programmes delivered by parents at home. Online training: How to deliver (BI) bilateral integration therapy at home. FOR WHO: Training is beneficial for you if your child has issues with: - bilateral motor coordination - reduced physical fitness - collaboration of the 2 sides of the body during sports or manual activities, e.g. riding a bike, catching/throwing a ball - learning, reading, writing - visual & auditory processing - crossing midline - distinguishing right and left sides of the body - performing independent or alternating movements. TOPICS INCLUDE: - what is bilateral integration & how it is connected to learning - 4 stages of bilateral integration for: Reading, Tracking, Writing and Crossing the Midline - why lateralisation is important - mixed dominance - how & what primitive reflexes are connected with bilateral integration issues - cross laterality 4 BILATERAL INTEGRATION STAGES AND STEP-BY-STEP PROTOCOLS Symmetrical Reciprocal Asymmetrical Crossing the Midline BI MOVEMENT BASED LEARNING: - anatomical planes of the body - 3 dimensions of learning - how do the dimensions of learning correlate to brain development - focus dimension - centering dimension - laterality dimension - bilateral development for academic skills SIX STEPS PROTOCOLS TO ADDRESS: - easy learning - wellbeing - physical skills of looking & working in the midline - auditory attention & memory - writing and fine motor skills- - emotional processing through movement - whole body and gross motor movement - integration across the 3 learning dimensions - a 6 step process to address comprehension, organisation and communication - questions to address: comprehension organisation communication attentional intelligence emotional intelligence informational intelligence - checks & assessment of cross-dimensional learning - focus dimension - centering dimension - laterality dimension - assessment process with noticing YOU WILL RECEIVE PRACTICAL EXERCISES FOR ALL STAGES OF BILATERAL INTEGRATION TO DO AT HOME WITH YOUR CHILD FOR 10-15 MINUTES A DAY FOR A FEW WEEKS. ASSESSMENT You will receive an assessment form to fill out about your child for baseline information, to devise the BI therapy goals and track progress. Pre-checks will be carried out for each of 4 stages of BI. Improvements and/or challenges will be monitored regularly during our sessions & via videotaping with remote supervision that is included in your 12 session online BI coaching programme. This article provides helpful information for developing your child’s bilateral integration. As a reminder, Autism Consulting Online is not a health care provider and none of our materials or services provide a diagnosis or treatment of a specific condition or learning challenge you may see in your child or student. If you seek a diagnosis or treatment for your child or student, please contact a trained professional who can provide an evaluation of the child. Comments are closed.
Ph: +353 87 483 2371 / 87 185 2620 [email protected] [email protected] LOCATION: Brain Integration Therapy, 69 Windermere, Dublin, D15W2K2,Ireland BUSINESS HOURS (GMT) Weekdays: 3pm - 6.15pm, Weekends open only for Brain TheraCamp and Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy Strictly by prior appointment |