Peer-Mediated Instruction and Intervention PMII as an evidence-based practice
Peer-mediated instruction and intervention (PMII) can address social concerns by training peers how to initiate and respond to social interactions of learners with ASD. With a foundation in behaviourism and social learning theory,1 PMII involves systematically teaching peers without disabilities, ways of engaging learners with ASD in positive and meaningful social interactions. ✓ What is Peer-Mediated Instruction and Intervention (PMII)
✓ For families of children and adults affected with ASD, Speech Delay, related conditions and awaiting the assessment ✓ For teachers from pre-school, primary and post-primary school who work with children and adults with special educational needs ✓ For special needs assistants ✓ For all involved in the care and support of children and adults with ASD and related conditions. |
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